Donate your Qurbani

We called to him, “O Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the vision. Indeed, we thus reward the doers of good. Indeed, this was a clear trial.” -The Holy Qur’an 37:104

The Messenger (PBUH) said about Qurbani, “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim. For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Qurbani Appeal is currently closed

Order your Qurbani

whole lamb
$ 0
whole lamb
$ 0

We’re distributing Qurbani parcels to vulnerable displaced Syrian refugee families in Syria and Turkey

And for impoverished families in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh

share in a cow
$ 0
whole goat
$ 0
share in a cow
$ 0
share in a cow
$ 0

And directly via our contacts in Ethiopia, Malawi & Kenya in East Africa

According to most schools of thought, any adult, sane Muslim who possesses the Nisab value must give a Qurbani. So if you are eligible to pay Zakat, you offer a Qurbani

whole goat
$ 0
whole goat
$ 0